Post your mock up here.
**Yunmi Hong
Mock-up of one section from Field Guide – Who are the 1.5 Korean-American Generations?**
Why is there no understanding between my parents and I? I don’t understand the mindset of Koreans and how they work? I’m Korean, but yet, I feel these distant relations to them. Have you ever asked yourself these kinds of questions? Then you might just be a 1.5 Korean-American. There are a lot of things that can define oneself or make distinctions of one another. Generally speaking, a 1.5 Korean-American would be born in America or born in Korea, being predominately raised in America with American culture and traditions. They usually don’t speak Korean fluently and run into a lot of conflicts with their parents and other Korean people. This puts a lot of pressure to them to feel accepted or understood, being that this is very difficult to achieve.
There are those who don’t care as much about this difference and then there are those who dwell in frustration of the question, why. Some students attend clubs, watch drama, talk it over with other 1.5 generations or even make youtube video journals. All these components help with coping with their stress and lack of understanding.
Being accepted by their own race can be as important as a teenager individual feeling accepted in their high school. It is a very sensitive topic that needs to be dealt with. The age range for these individuals can go anywhere from elementary students all the way to adults. If certain questions aren’t answered or issues dealt with, these questions and stressful events prolong.
There are many ways to approaching this situation and answering questions, but the bottom line that 1.5 Korean-Americans need to understand is that with questions needs to follow with profound understanding and patience. Before asking why are some people the way they are, they need to study the ways of life and culture for better grasp. One example would be bowing. Bowing 90 degrees before elders is a way of life and a way to show respect before them. It has always been traditions to doing so, something that might be difficult to understand. There is no explanation except that this is just part of culture. If one didn’t know that, then it might be hard to understand why you had to bow 90 degrees.
All questions and concerns can be answered with patience and understanding. In any given relationship, both parties must meet half way. This field guide designed to explain such details and give comfort in thought.
William Martin
Mock up of one section of the field guide
This Decision In Particular
In this section I will explain this year’s vote to have Super Bowl XLVIII in New York. At the beginning of the section, I will introduce Comissioner Roger Goodel’s permission to allow New York to enter a bid to host the super bowl at Giants/Jets Stadium. The specific date will be disclosed, as well as his reasoning behind this decision. As it will have been explained in an earlier section of the field guide, this decision represents an exception to a long time rule for Super Bowl venues. I will discuss the other teams who entered bids for the game and the arguments they gave in an attempt to host it. If I am able to locate videos of their presentations, I will include a link to the videos as graphics. (I have been unable to find them up until this point). The most intriguing part of this section will be discussing the Giant’s and Jet’s arguments. They gave a compelling presentation, which I was able to find on the internet. This will serve as a great graphic in this section. The graphic will be provided as a hyper link to the webpage which contains the video. I will also include a picture of the New Stadium as this was a major reason why Goodel granted the exception, and served as a major element for the Giant’s and Jet’s argument. This section will conclude with the actual vote. There are a few different rounds of voting, each round requiring a certain amount of votes. The outcome and the amount of votes New York received will be disclosed.
Lena Hong's Mock Up and Lexicon
The part of the field guide I want to mock up is the History/Introduction Section.
The Start of Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods all started in the early 1990’s by a company in California called Calgene. This was the first company to commercially manufacture modified foods such as the Flavr Savr tomato. The initial reason for altering the foods is to create a product that will take longer to decompose after being picked. During this time a lot of controversy erupted, especially during the mid 1990’s when a variety of tomatoes were used to make tomatoes puree that was sold in Europe. In a government-funded study, it found that nine out of ten people rejected crop growing of modified foods without further proof of their safety for the health and environment. Many people were unaware of the benefits of genetically modified foods. It is evident that there is a food supply issue, and the main question is whether genetically modified foods can solve world huger. When people think genetically modified foods they either think of human health impacts, allergens, violations of natural organisms, mixing modified crops with non modified crops or they think about how they reduce decaying time, increase nutrients, preservation of soil, water and energy and the improved battle against diseases, pests and herbicides. There are many brilliant points people bring up causing a controversy. However, this field guide will explain the in’s and out’s of genetically modified foods, from what modified foods actually are to the advantages and disadvantages.
Lena Hong
Andrew's Mock-up for Types of Geothermal Energy
This section will discuss the different types of energy that are considered geothermal. There will be several subheadings for this section. The first subheading will discuss the three different power systems that involve hydrothermal fluids. This subheading will include a graphic that briefly describes how each of the three power plant technologies work. These graphics will make this high-tech system make sense to the readers. The second subheading will go into the direct applications of geothermal energy. This will briefly discuss the geothermal heat pumps and hot water pipes used to warm greenhouses and melt sidewalk snow. There will be a reminder in this subheading that this field guide is focusing on geothermal power and its domestic potential for energy. The third subheading will briefly go into Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). It will be stated that further detail will be put into a separate section specifically for EGS.
Andrew Williamson
Janette Wambere
Mock up: The future if there is no change
In this section I will write about what will happen if nothing is done to modify or change the trend of aid in Africa that has been going on over the past years. Of course none of it has happened already so it is all just what has been predicted by several researchers and organizations. I will include the names of the researchers and organizations and their results. I will also include graphs to show the predicted progress of the economy and the GDP of Africa over a certain period of time in the future. I will compare the results from the different researches making a list of the predictions that are present in all the results. The combination of these research results, predictions and previous occurrences all back up the main idea of the guide which is that aid is doing more harm than good in Africa.