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William Martin

Should the 2014 Super Bowl be played in New York?

My field guide will investigate the issue surrounding the proposal and decision to have the 2014 Super Bowl played in New York/New Jersey. The exception to the rule that no Super Bowl be played in an outdoor environment where the average temperature is below 50 degrees has created a very interesting debate. Should this exception have been made? How much of a factor did economics play into this decision? What are the thoughts from the fans perspective? Are they only concerned with the game itself, or do they pay attention to the business impact as well. What are the sentiments of the league officials? The opinions of the voters? What about the owners and general managers of the different franchises around the league. What exactly are the arguments for and against the decision? These are all questions which will be examined in this field guide.

Yunmi Hong
What defines a 1.5 Korean-American generation and a Korean parent?

My field guide will fulfill many purposes to answering questions for the 1.5 Korean-American generation and their parents. One question that will try to be answered is “who exactly is 1.5 generation?” and “what defines a Korean parent?” Many assumptions and both parties will be defined and it will aim for the audience of people who are starting or confronting with differences with one another. This can include high school students, college students, parents, adults, and people who are interested in cultural difference studies.

These topics and questions will be approached in many different angles. One example of such would be Korean dramas and what effect it has on people. Surprisingly, it has a huge impact on how a lot of Korean people think. And the 1.5 generation can try to relate to that by watching Korean drama. They might also think that by watching them, it helps them understand the culture and what Korea looks like exactly. It sort of gives comfort.

Another area that would be touched upon will be the adoption of Korean children to the US in the past 40 years. How do these kids relate to the 1.5 generation, or are these kids part of the 1.5 generation. Where and how do these kids stand in the whole situation. Do they also feel the same kind of difference or pressure? This is an interesting topic to be touched upon.

What about doing business with one another? What are the pros and cons? What should each party be on the look out for? These kinds of questions will also be answered. This field guide will answer a lot of general questions and explain everyday situations that can be stressful or concerning for an individual. It will help one relate and confide in what is written, a sort of guide for situations to occur.

Alyssa O'Toole
Proposal Sketch

How are state budget cuts affecting music education in school districts nationwide and are these budget cuts truly viable strategies?

This field guide will investigate the ongoing dilemma surrounding how state budget cuts are affecting music education within school districts. According to the 2010-2011 Executive Budget for New York State alone, overall education and arts spending are estimated to decrease by 550 million dollars. Moreover, the arts are facing reductions in funding for grants. Considering, New York State spends more per pupil than nearly any other state it is surprising and unfortunate that fundamental components of our education including music are being reduced or eliminated altogether. However, New York State is not alone; school districts all over the country face deficit where it hurts the most.

If we continue to rely on budget cuts for additional savings, education will no longer be something we are entitled to. We must seriously assess the impact of these decisions and begin to explore a more sustainable strategy for economic survival. Music, like other disciplines, offers endless benefits. My field guide will weigh these benefits against current policy and examine opportunities that should be or could be exploited. Upon its completion, the guide may be used as an overview to a crisis. It will not be a solution in itself but rather a document that will generate thought and commitment to change or development of new practices.

Janette Wambere

Proposal Sketch

Third world countries have been receiving international support for a long time. But are they receiving the kind of help that they need? I mean sure they need food, water and medication at the moment, but isn’t this just a short term solution?

This guide will look in to the effects of the support offered on the countries that are supported and those that offer to support. It will also try looking into questions like how long will these nations be able to offer support? And what happens to the third world countries when they can’t be supported anymore? And are there better ways to help these countries? If yes, what?

This guide may be used by people or organizations interested in supporting third world countries in whatever way. It will influence their decision on how to help.

Lena Hong

Sketch - Genetically Modified Foods

Are there environmental or health issues linked with genetically modified foods?

The factors of modified foods affect everyone who eats. People who eat healthy may eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, but they are uncertain if nature or a scientist created the item. As for non-healthy eaters, people who order fast food would order a burger with a slice of tomato in between the buns and may not know what they are consuming. That one slice could have been grown by nature or made by scientists. This field guide will help readers identify what they are buying or eating. Information about how certain foods are grown by nature/farmers compared to science will be made clear to the readers. When buying foods, people question why a certain fruit/vegetable last longer in the kitchen compared to other brands. Just by looking at a small sticker on the sides of the item can tell you so much. For that reason, the guide will assist readers be aware of what they are bringing into their homes, and how some may or may not be linked to health issues.

Andrew Williamson

Proposal Sketch

Can the United States use geothermal energy as an alternate energy source to fossil fuels?

With the recent BP oil spill, it is becoming very clear that the United States cannot continue to rely on fossil fuels for much longer. One of the growing alternatives to fossil fuels is geothermal energy, using the Earth’s core as a source of electricity. This field guide will investigate whether the United States can switch from fossil fuels to geothermal energy sources permanently. This is something that many people, including people that work for energy companies and those that work for logistical teams, would be interested in. It addresses the capacity of power that geothermal energy can produce, its sustainability, and the amount of time it takes to create power plants across the country. This fulfills the need for a guide not necessarily to why or what alternative energies, but how alternative energies can be done. It would be used to determine how to get this very large and extensive project off the ground.

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