Post your contents here.
Yunmi Hong
Speculative Table of Contents
Who are the 1.5 Korean-American Generations?
Who are their parents?
Top issues that cannot be understood by each other.
Language barrier? Does it have an effect?
What can be done to further understand oneself?
What is acceptance from both parties?
William Martin
Speculative Table of Contents
-Introduction to the issue
-What this guide will entail
Context of Issue
-History of Super Bowl Venues
-Guidelines for selecting these issues
-How the decision is made
-Controversy surrounding issue
Workings of decision making process
-Time frame
-Entering of Bids
-Nominations, Presentations, and Vote
This Decision in Particular
-Commissioner Involvement (granting exception)
-Teams involved
-Their Presentations
-Outcome of Vote
Positions Opposed to Decision
-Fan Reaction
-Owner and League Officials
-Arguments against Decision
Positions in Favor of Decision
-Evidence Used
-Fan Opinions
-League Owner Opinions
Impact on Municipalities Involved
-Mayor of New York City
-Governor of New Jersey
Final Deliberation
-This Decision revisited
-The Vote
-Will this set precedence?
-Will we see other cold weather cities entering bids in Future?
Speculative Table of Contents by Alyssa O'Toole
After extensive research I have decided to focus my field guide on the recently approved budget proposal in the state of California. This is because California faces one of the largest deficits in the nation. I will examine how it is affecting music education in the state and whether or not it is a viable strategy for closing such a tremendous gap.
The budget process and the actual governor's budget are extremely difficult to understand. I spent a lot of time looking up terms (which will be provided in my lexicon) familiarizing myself with the different elements that a budget addresses, the current budget gap needing to be closed, how the state is going to close it as opposed to how other states are going to close theirs, what funds affect what programs and what happens when certain budgetary actions are taken. I even had to use the little knowledge I possess in accounting to make any sense of the financial flow in the graphs and statements provided.
In my first field guide plan, my objective was to create an "overview" to the issue at hand. This is because I thought that just "scraping the surface" would be sufficient yet easy. How wrong I was. Truthfully, it would not be possible for me to scrape the surface of this issue and do you or myself justice. So, I chose to get into the very details that are defining the crisis our nation is in. Some of the details I do not understand; some of the details I do. Regardless, my field guide plan II has a new objective and that is to present you with a shortcut to all the research I had to do-by explaining California's current budget situation, its effect on music, and the implications of what is going on in the long-run, in plain, simple english.
I made my table of contents as detailed as possible by including all ideas I anticipate presenting in a given section as well as the primary document(s) that support it. Please, if you have any feedback feel free to e-mail me: moc.liamg|elootoassyla#moc.liamg|elootoassyla. Thanks.
"Balancing the Budget One Musician At A Time"
I. Preface
-My credentials
-What I hope my reader takes from my guide
II. Introduction
-What the field guide will do
-What it contains
-How it will be organized (up to 5 sections)
>Section 1) The Economic Crisis: An overview of…
>Section 2) Proposed Budget Solutions: A description of….
>Section 3) Visual and Performing Arts Framework: A summary of….
-Overview of visual aids included and what they represent
III. The Economic Crisis (Presenting Problem)
-Nationwide (
>The state fiscal situation is dire. The current revenue situation is nearly unprecedented. To date states have reported a
total estimated budget gap of $382.8 billion(FY 2008-FY 2012).
-California (
>California’s Budget Process (
>The May revision of the Govenor’s Budget for 2010-2011 proposed spending reductions and alternative funding
solutions to address a $19.9 billion projected budget gap. (*TO INCORPORATE IN LEXICON-Budget gap/deficit occurs
when a state’s taxes, fees and other revenue sources are insufficient to fund existing service levels adjusted for
population growth and inflation. California’s extensive deficit is said to be the result of its heavy dependence on
personal income tax, tax cuts in the 1990’s, the economic downturn and demographic factors.)
-Proposition 98 & K-12 Education: Including what Proposition 98 is and a brief retrospective on major developments relating to
K-12 school finance (
-2010-11 fiscal outlook—what this means for music programs.
IV. Proposed budget solutions (Underlying Problem) ( (
-Graph of proposed budget solutions: Expenditure Reductions, Federal Funds, Alternative Funding, Fund Shifts and Other
Revenues. (*I may incorporate 2010-2011 financial plan of NYS to provide evidence that current-services spending is being
reduced progressively and routinely in other states as well.)
-Use of spending reductions as recurring plans of action may close a gap temporarily but eliminate essential services/programs
such as music permanently.
-We are in quite a predicament.
V. Visual and Performing Arts Framework for California Public Schools (
“We ask that all education stakeholders—including families, artists, community groups, and representatives of museums, galleries, colleges, and universities collaborate with schools to ensure that students have a variety of experiences for imagining, exploring, and creating the visual and performing arts. California leads the nation and the world in the arts, and this framework will ensure that we continue our prominence in arts education.”-Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction & Ruth Green, Present of the State Board of Education.
-California Law
>(Section 51210 specifies that the required adopted course of study used by schools for grades one through six must
include the visual and performing arts. Section 51220 specifies the same requirement for grades seven through twelve.
As with all other subject areas except physical education, the Education Code does not state the number of minutes of
instruction required, although it does require schools to provide instruction in the arts for all students.
-California State Board of Education Content Standards
>(Those standards serve as curriculum guideposts for teachers and provide clear-cut curriculum goals for all learners.
(Note: The Western Association of Schools and Colleges also looks for standards-based courses during its accreditation
process.) Curriculum based on the content standards requires active learning through the study, practice, creation, or
performance of works of art. It also requires reading about the arts and artists; researching the arts from the past and
present; writing about the arts and artists to reflect on one’s own observations, experiences, and ideas about the arts;
and participating in arts criticism based on reliable information and clear criteria.)
-Definition of a balanced, comprehensive arts program as one in which the arts are studied as discrete disciplines related to each
other and, when appropriate, to other subject areas in the curriculum. (
(Rauscher, Frances H. Music Makes You Smarter. N. pag. Microsoft Word file)
-Recognition of the role the arts play in preparing students for careers and full participation in society.
-We cannot let our budget crisis impact essential components of our education such as music.
VI. Conclusion
-Reinstatement of dilemma
-*Now is the time to change
VII. Appendix
-Initiatives-How you can help
VIII. Bibliography
IX. Lexicon
Lena Hong's Speculative Table of Contents
What are genetically modified organisms and genetically modified foods?
Why are genetically modified foods produced?
Are genetically modified foods safe?
Are genetically modified foods assessed differently from traditional foods?
What are the main issues of concern for human health?
What are the issues of concern for the environment?
What further developments can be expected in the area of genetically modified organisms?
Pros and Cons of Modified Foods
Advantages of Genetically Modified Foods
Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods
Different Controversies
(Tear outs) Reading Labels on Fruits/ knowing what is genetically modified and what is not
(Tear outs) Tips
Conclusion: Overall reaction towards the modified foods
Lena Hong
Andrew's Speculative Table of Contents
What is Geothermal Energy?
History of Geothermal Energy
Types of Geothermal Energy
Advantages of Geothermal Energy
Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy
Research on Geothermal Energy
Current Events of Geothermal Energy
Future Plans for Geothermal Energy
Conclusion: Can Geothermal Energy be the primary form of energy and replace fossil fuels?
Andrew Williamson
Janette Wambere
Speculative table of contents
Africa before aid
Africa during aid
Source of aid
Effects of aid
- Positive
- Negative
Why is there more negative than positive?/why is the system not working?
Politics of this issue
Economics of the issue
African countries that are not dependent
Comparison of the non dependent countries and the dependent
The future with less aid
The future if there is no change
Summary of the important points